General News of Saturday, 24 September 2016


Indiscriminate parking of cars a major cause of accidents

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Section 21 and 22 of the Road Traffic Act passed in 2004 is against the indiscriminate parking of vehicles or unlawful interferences on roads and highways Most road users are however not aware of the law which is aimed at ensuring road safety.

Section 21 of the Road Traffic Act 2004 states that motorists who cause or permit vehicles to remain at rest on a road in a manner that constitutes a danger to any other person using the road, commits an offence.

It is estimated about forty vehicles, particularly heavy trucks break down daily on highways unattended to, and without warning signs.

A situation the National Road Safety Commission mentioned as a cause to many road accidents, particularly in the night.

In April this year, the Commission divided the country into four zones to license six companies to offer towing services in partnership with the police to move cars that have broken down on highways.

Driving through town, noticed that the law doesn’t seem to be working.

At Dzorwulu, some taxis were parked at a bus stop waiting on passengers whilst others were just parked on pavements taking a nap. The scene was however no different at Achimota and the ridge roundabout, where some trailers were captured parked alongside the stretch.

Few vehicles were captured with the triangle sign that alerted approaching vehicles Despite “No Stopping” signs erected along the N1 Highway, some commercial vehicles stopped for passengers to alight.

Interestingly, Chairman of the Achimota branch of Towing and Crane Services Association stated he knew nothing about the road safety’s move to contract towing agencies.

He stressed passing a law that will demand motorists to pay tolls that will bring sanity to our streets by towing cars broken down on highways is just giving an opportunity to corrupt public officials to feast.